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Features, Articles & Essays Alighting the World in Major Ways

Features, Articles & Essays Alighting the World in Major Ways

Chasing the Light

Science and nature collide in daylight savings and spring.

Hydroclimate Whiplash

In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.

The Radical Kings

Martin Luther King and the American Dream collide on Inauguration Day.

Forget Me Nots

They’re 55 million people in the world with dementia, and most seem to follow a similar path. Charlatan explores why loneliness are the principal drivers of memory loss.


Say goodbye to keyboards and icons, and hello to your personal AI Agent. The Year Ahead will mark the advent of AI Agentics.

IVF & Beyond

The MRI scans are in and the picture is clear. Church and State will curate the world.

Death and Taxes

He's the only U.S. President ever to be convicted of a felony. Charlatan examines the People of New York v. Trump.

Punish the Parent

New laws are leading to incarceration for some American parents. Charlatan examines why new laws are holding parents criminally liable for their children's actions.

Great and Holy Week

Making an entrance is all about beginning with the end in mind.

The Great Good Place

The search for a civil society exists somewhere beyond the cash nexus.


Face identification software is quick to justice, but things aren't always what they seem.

True Threats

Post what you like; as much as you please; Americans call it Freedom of Speech.


If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at you.


Equality didn't really gel in its day. Equity might've been the better phrase.

Coming of Age

At 81, Pinup Girl Martha Stewart is stirring perceptions about Age Bias.

Memorial Day Myths

Many lay claim to the blue and grey, but it's black and white at the end of the day.

Hot Spot Police

The best way to predict a crime is to create it.

All That's Good

Peace isn't an abstract goal. It's a day to day journey by which we arrive at a goal.

The Marriage Act

Have your cake and eat it too but mindful of saying “I do.”

Gun Fight

School shootings aren't the problem. They’re a consequence and foregone conclusion of a problem.

Midlife Crisis

Science may explain the midlife pandemonium for those rearing Middle Age.

Main Street USA

They’re the shops of retailing, socializing, and a gathering place of growing concerns.

Why We Say "I do."

Jimmy, Rosalynn Carter celebrate 75 years of ‘full partnership’ this week with a word of advice to those who’re daring to say ‘I do.”

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Scholars & Authors Apprising the World in Major Ways

Scholars & Authors Apprising the World in Major Ways

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Make sense of the week's news. Charlatan reviews the world's show & message.



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